I have a lot of experience with this little bugger, all the way back to 1997.

Niclas Hedhman has raised these very interesting point. Try out the example when you've loaded up the Arduino IDE The centre pin is the data line ('1-wire'). If you are using the DS18B20, ground pins 1 and 3. You will need a pull-up resistor of about 5 KOhm between the 1-Wire data line and your 5V power. You may power the IC using a technique known as a "Pull-up". I commonly use the former as it reduces the number of wires I need to maintain. The latter can be found in the appropriate documentation. The IC itself has two modes, parasitism or powered mode. Make sure you delete any old versions before you continue (or if you're testing a PRE version, move it out of the \libraries directory so it doesn't conflict). If you already have "OneWire" library, only copy over the DallasTemperature folder to \libraries. Now the library should show up under "Skech > Import library > Contributed". After copying the oneWire folder into the libraries folder, restart the Arduino software. You can look up the sketchbook-location in the Arduino software under "File > Preferences".

the contents of the library to sketchbook-location\libraries. Very little in the way of "installation" is required. No software limitation to the number of devices you may use.

It isn't directly related to this library but it may cause some problems.