Now the following steps are for 6.72 and above PS4 users, skip these steps and go to the 5.05 steps below these if you’re on a firmware below than 6.72. Now go to your PC and launch the ‘Playstation 4 Save Mounter.exe’ (you can get this program here for 5.05, here for 6.72, here for 7.02, here for 7.50 and 7.55).Launch the ps4debug payload.(Now some exploit hosts have this payload built into them, if your exploit host doesn’t have this payload, you have to launch the ‘bin loader’ payload and use your PC to load the ‘ps4debug’ payload using netcat).Now keep the game running and go to your browser again and go to your exploit host.We did these steps in order to save the current progress.

If you quit and load the save backup again, you will once again has those bugged screenshots on your pda. Now go back to the PS4, resume the game and try to save.Do the same as the above step for the ‘CellsCache’ folder.Then go a directory back and go to ‘BatchObjects’ folder and delete only the files which has ‘0 KB’ of size in them.( tmp560903 this folder may has a different name in yours) Go to /mnt/sandbox/CUSA13893_000/temp0/TempSave/ tmp560903/screenshots and delete all of the files in there.On your PC launch Filezilla(or any ftp client) and connect to your PS4 IP that displayed on the notification when you launched the FTP payload.Go to your PC which is connected to the same network as your PS4.Launch the ‘FTP’ payload (the notification says you the address of the ps4 ftp).Go to you exploit host in your browser.Pause the game go to the ps4 dashboard using the ‘PS’ button on the controller.When you browse for your pictures using the pda, you can see those bugged screenshots which only appears as a white rectangle, and it won’t let you open them or remove them.

It has something to do with the screenshot you take using R3 button inside the game. When you sometimes try to save the game it says something like “Save data saving failed (Screenshot/**************.jpg).” Read below details on how to fix this bug if it happens to you. There seems to be a save game bug present in the 1.10 update.